
Days, well, weeks when I just hate the whole world.

Everything seems to go wrong. Or it goes well up until the end, where it takes a bitter turn. Something minor that still ruins the whole. Leaves a strange alien feeling and makes me think that something is wrong with me.

Makes me want to do nothing. To quit. To give up.

Days when people just keep telling me what to do with my life. How to solve my problems. How to deal with things. When they have absolutely no idea what is going on with me. Criticise my job, my feelings, my actions.

And then they wonder why I don’t want to talk to them.

When I just reply with a couple of words and tell them what they want to hear. ‘I’m fine’ ‘I’m tired’ ‘had a long day’ ‘I’m not angry with you’ is what I say. The truth. Well the truth is: I’m not fine, and I am definitely angry with you. But I’m just too tired and depressed to tell you all that, because if I did then I would need to apologise to you and make sure that your soul is not hurt and that your emotional needs are satisfied, while I still silently suffer. 

It’s just so much easier to lie.

I don’t want to talk to anyone. Just leave me alone.


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